Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Whetherman & Rachel Murray @ The Neutral Ground 9/25/12

Terrible Tuesday, Tuesday Bluesday, or Too-much-to-handle-I'm-so-tired Tuesday. Whatever you like to call it, we've all been there. Work is accumulating, projects are failing and all you want to do is evaporate into the weekend. 

Yep, that was my day yesterday. 

Until about 10:30 p.m. when I arrived at the Neutral Ground Coffeehouse. The scene was set: comfy couches instead of hard desks, dim lighting instead of fluorescent beams and delicious coffee instead of the crap we drink to keep us from nodding off in a lecture.

To satisfy the last, and most important of my tired senses was the soulful sound of Jacksonville, Florida's Nicholas Williams (The Weatherman) and his lovely partner Rachel Murray. The duo returned to New Orleans this Sunday after over a month long tour along the west coast, soothing listeners with their soulful acoustic tunes from San Francisco all the way to Portland. 

Murray, a New Orleans resident, is happy to be home; Williams lives in Jacksonville, but the two are recording their next album this fall. All of their songs are all available on iTunes as well, so give them an ear! It might just fix your Tuesday blues... 

As always, linkage to prevent musical shrinkage:

Forever In Funk,


Thursday, September 13, 2012

COYOTES 9/6/12

In a jungle traditionally dominated by brass monkeys, jazz cats and funk foxes, there lives a pack of wild animals ready to make their mark. With members originating from L.A., Chicago, and Austin, Coyotes create a sound that is not only refreshing to the New Orleans music scene, but the entire Gulf Coast.  The guys have been in the city going on four years now, vigorously bouncing around smaller venues and building up an energetic, loyal fan base that proudly sings along with each song and skips around to their infectious beats.  Coyotes have taken on the challenge of standing out as an Indie band in a city known for r&b, blues and funk, and risen to the occasion. 

When writing their music, lead guitarist and vocalist, Duz Mancini, focuses on the quality of each song- aiming for a lasting impression both musically and lyrically. Mancini has been playing harmonica and guitar from a very young age and names Bob Dylan, the Beach Boys, and mostly his family as his biggest musical influences,  "A good song is honest and authentic," he says, "it should reveal something at the end." 
Coyotes Stage Set-up, The Prytania Bar 9/6/12
Coyotes have been busy playing a slew of live shows, including a sold out performance during this year's Mid-Summer Mardi Gras at Carrollton Station. Upcoming gigs include The Circle Bar September 15th, a show at One Eyed Jacks on October 12th and a highly coveted spot at the 2012 Voodoo Music Experience Halloween weekend. Clearly, they're filling up the folk rock wagon with eager followers, paving some new ground in the local music scene. Check the NFB Facebook for details on a brand new single a show near you!

Here's some linkage:
Coyotes Facebook
Coyotes Band Camp

Forever in funk,

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Artfully crafted to-do lists.
Prospective shows to attend.
Fridges stocked with shrimp and hard cider.
Mama's ready for you, fall!

But, just as that fall ball was about to get rolling, in came Isaac, stopping us all in our happy little tracks. Friends began skipping town, headed north to the alleged mead and honey. Water, and more importantly Miller High Life, began flying off the shelves. And as the song "Should I Stay or Should I Go" played on repeat in your head, you packed a bag.

Okay, picture of my dog. I'll need that.
One pair of gym shorts. (Big mistake).
Yahtzee. Duh.

You make the executive decision to stay, unwilling to be deprived of the so-called hurrication- the fabulous idea revolving around porch-culture: excessive drinking, mindless eating and unified sweating. As the storm approaches, you wonder what the funk they were talking about- blue skies and a beautiful breeze. Soon enough, you're trapped with the wisely chosen individuals your started with, waiting out the tremendous powers of nature. And, it's a hoot.

The aftermath of spending 2.5 days in hurrication nation is as such: great memories of storm stories, uncontrollable perspiration due to lack of power and the loss of that beloved shrimp in the fridge. But one thing remains beyond the empty wine bottles, and that's solidarity. We all got crapped on, together, folks. We all had to miss a few shows and a little bit of Southern Decadence. And we're all a bit behind.

But hey, September's lookin' might fine so far. So let's take a whack at those to-do lists, hit those shows and pound that cider.

More coming soon, pals.