Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Whetherman & Rachel Murray @ The Neutral Ground 9/25/12

Terrible Tuesday, Tuesday Bluesday, or Too-much-to-handle-I'm-so-tired Tuesday. Whatever you like to call it, we've all been there. Work is accumulating, projects are failing and all you want to do is evaporate into the weekend. 

Yep, that was my day yesterday. 

Until about 10:30 p.m. when I arrived at the Neutral Ground Coffeehouse. The scene was set: comfy couches instead of hard desks, dim lighting instead of fluorescent beams and delicious coffee instead of the crap we drink to keep us from nodding off in a lecture.

To satisfy the last, and most important of my tired senses was the soulful sound of Jacksonville, Florida's Nicholas Williams (The Weatherman) and his lovely partner Rachel Murray. The duo returned to New Orleans this Sunday after over a month long tour along the west coast, soothing listeners with their soulful acoustic tunes from San Francisco all the way to Portland. 

Murray, a New Orleans resident, is happy to be home; Williams lives in Jacksonville, but the two are recording their next album this fall. All of their songs are all available on iTunes as well, so give them an ear! It might just fix your Tuesday blues... 

As always, linkage to prevent musical shrinkage:

Forever In Funk,


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