Saturday, October 13, 2012

Naughty Professor and Victor Wooten; Howlin' Wolf 10/3/12

I'll tell ya somethin': Wednesdays are nothing but a good thing in this city. For some reason unknown to my mortal soul, hump days are not only doused in daiquiris but also seeping with moments of musical magic.

 October 3rd was no exception. Mia Borders cast the first soulful spell at Wednesday At The Square, followed by a pretty darn wild set from Anders Osborne, Dave Malone and the Bonerama Horns. If ya wanna talk magic moments, seeing these guys do a cover of Neil Young's "Down By the River" was downright wizardry. An eerie autumn breeze, three shiny horns plus two guitars coming to life and having a conversation on stage?Abraca-freakin-dabra.

Can't stop there. It was time for some Victor Wooten and hollerin' at the Howlin' Wolf. Opening up for the Grammy Award winning bassist was Nola's own Naughty Professor- a six pack of dudes strirrin' up some serious grooves. Since 2010, this diverse collection of drums, guitar, bass, trumpet and two types o' saxes has been crankin' out the sauciest of tunes- an alchemy of brass kickin' jazz and good old rock n' roll. It's kinda like when you first realize you can add peanut butter to chili flavored ramen noodles... mind-blowing and life-altering. Although they've got an enchanting sound as a group, it's always mesmerizing to see each of these talented musicians take their solos at the end of their set. For that, as well as making an awesome opening act for Mr. Wooten, it is easy to see why these guys have made such a splash in the local music scene. We can only expect a lot more spellbinding stuff from this funky group.
Naughty Professor, The Howlin Wolf 10/03/12

And finally, Victor himself. A full band with a buncha bass was enough to melt my face. But why not add a sexy sorceress with pipes of gold? Needless to say, this was quite the show, and an excellent opportunity to see one of our local bands shine with the big boys.

Victor Wooten feat. Krystal Peterson, The Howlin Wolf 10/03/12
Musical magic, for sure.
No surprise Halloween is on a Wednesday.

Be sure to check out Naughty Professor at The Maison October 20th.


Forever in Funk,

Oh, and in case you thought I was pullin' your leg on the ramen thing, check it out:
  • 1 package chili flavored ramen noodles
  • 1 or so tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 or so tbsps chunky (I prefer chunky, but you can do creamy) peanut butter
  • 2 (or MORE) tsps sriracha
  • chopped green onion (optional) 

Directions: Get drunk and make ramen as usual. Add other ingredients and stir violently until noodles achieve a nice, think, dreamy and creamy consistency. Consume, then ask yourself how you ever really lived before, and end with cartwheels of joy. Repeat.

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